Heat rash — also known as rash and efflorescence — is not just for babies. It affects adults, too, particularly throughout hot, wet weather.
Heat rash develops once blocked pores (sweat ducts) entice perspiration beneath your skin.
How to Use
Natrum Mur. 200,Azadirachita ind. Q For Heat Rash
20 Ml Water & 20 Drops Medicine Twice in a days (Morning and Evening) 1 Hours Before Meal Each Medicine should be taken 10 minutes Gap
Natrum Mur. 200
20 Ml Water & 20 Drops Medicine Twice in a days (Morning and Evening) 1 Hours Before Meal Each Medicine should be taken 10 minutes Gap
Azadirachita ind. Q
20 Ml Water & 20 Drops Medicine Twice in a days (Morning and Evening) 1 Hours Before Meal Each Medicine should be taken 10 minutes Gap
Natrum Mur.
1+1=2 Capsule Different colour morning and Evening before meal (Avoid Alcohol).