

Mastoiditis is a bacterial infectionof the mastoid area cells surrounding the inner and middle ear.

The mastoid, that is filled with these air cells, is part of the temporal bone of the skull. The mastoid air cells area unit thought to protect the fragile structures of the ear, regulate ear pressure and probably defend the bone throughout trauma.

When the mastoid cells make infected or inflamed, usually as a results of an unresolved middle ear infection (otitis media), mastoiditis can develop.

Because numerous important structures suffer the mastoid, infection might unfold outside of the mastoid and cause serious health complications.



Fever, irritability, and lethargy

Swelling of the ear lobe

Redness and tenderness behind the ear

Drainage from the ear

Bulging and drooping of the ear




Meniere’s sickness could be a disorder of the internal ear that causes severe symptom (vertigo), ringing within the ears (tinnitus), deafness, and a sense of fullness or congestion within the ear.

Meniere’s disease usually affects only one ear.  Attacks of vertigo might come back on suddenly or when a brief amount of tinnitus or muffled hearing.

Some individuals can have single attacks of vertigo separated by long periods of your time. Others might expertise several attacks nearer along over variety of days.

Some people with Meniere’s sickness has dizziness therefore extreme that they lose their balance and fall. These episodes are called “drop attacks.”


Signs and symptoms of include:

Recurring episodes of vertigo.

You have a spinning sensation that starts and stops ad libitum.

Episodes of giddiness occur without notice and frequently last twenty minutes to many hours, however less than twenty four hours.

Severe vertigo can cause nausea.

Hearing loss.

Hearing loss in Meniere's disease might come back and go, significantly too soon.

Eventually, most people have some permanent hearing loss.

Ringing in the ear (tinnitus).

Tinnitus is that the perception of a ringing, buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing sound in your ear.

Feeling of fullness in the ear.

People with Meniere's disease usually feel pressure in AN affected ear (aural fullness).





Otitis Externa

What is an outer ear infection

An external ear infection is AN infection of the outer gap of the ear and therefore the external auditory canal, that connects the skin of the ear to the eardrum.
This type of infection is medically known as otitis externa.
One common variety of otitis is said as “swimmer’s ear.”

Symptoms of otitis externa include:

Swelling ,
Pain or discomfort in the ear,
Discharge of pus,
itching, excessive fluid drainage,
Muffled or diminished hearing.




An ear infection (acute rubor media) is most frequently a microorganism or virus infection that affects the center ear, the full house behind the eardrum that contains the small moving bones of the ear.

Children square measure a lot of doubtless than adults to urge ear infections. Ear infections ofttimes area unit painful due to inflammation and buildup of fluids within the tympanum.


What are the symptoms of acute otitis media

  • Infants and kids could have one or a lot of of the following symptoms:
  • weeping irritability,
  • sleeplessness,
  • pulling on the ears.,
  • ear pain,
  • a headache,
  • a feeling of fullness in the ear,
  • irritability,
  • fluid drainage from the ear,
  • hearing loss




Otosclerosis is hearing loss. At first, you will notice that you just cannot hear low-pitched sounds or people whispering. his usually gets worse over time.

Most people with genetic disorder have hearing impairment in each ears.About 100% to fifteen have deafness in only one ear.

Otosclerosis may be a rare condition that causes hearing impairment. It happens once alittle bone in your middle ear -- sometimes the one known as the stirrup -- gets stuck in Area .

Your stirrup bone must vibrate for you to listen to well. When it cannot do this, sound cannot travel from your bodily cavity to your internal ear. That makes it hard for you to hear.

Otosclerosis symptoms

  • Hearing loss
  • Speaking softly
  • Hearing better in noisy surroundings
  • Hearing sounds from within your body
  • Dizziness and balance problems


Ramsay Hunt syndrome


Facial nerve  Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes shingles oticus) happens once a shingles eruption affects the nervus facialis close to one in every of your ears.

In addition to the painful shingles rash, Ramsay Hunt syndrome will cause facial paralysis and hearing disorder within the affected ear.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by a similar virus that causes chickenpox. After chikenpox clears, the virus lies dormant in your nerves. Years later, it may reactivate.

If the virus reactivates and affects your facial, the result's Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Usually, the rash and also the facial palsy develop at a similar time.

But in some cases, the rash will occur before the facial paralysis or the paralysis before the rash. Sometimes the rash never materializes.


  • A painful red rash with fluid-filled blisters on, in and around one ear,
  • Facial weakness or paralysis on the same side as the affected ear,
  • Ear pain,
  • Hearing loss,
  • Ringing in your ears (tinnitus),
  • problem closing one eye,
  • A sensation of spinning or moving (vertigo), A change in taste perception or loss of taste,
  • Dry mouth and eyes.





Tinnitus is that the perception of noise or ringing within the ears. A common drawback, tinnitus affects regarding fifteen to twenty % of people.

Tinnitus is not a condition itself — it is a symptom of AN underlying condition, like age-related deafness, ear injury or a cardiovascular system disorder.

Although irritating, symptom sometimes is not a symptom of one thing serious. Although it will bed condition with age, for several folks, tinnitus will improved  with treatment.

Treating an identified underlying cause sometimes helps. Other treatments scale back or mask the noise, creating tinnitus less noticeable.











What is tympanitis?

Tympanitis is the medical term for an inflamed tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum. This membrane can become inflamed for a number of reasons, from bacteria to trauma. When the membrane is inflamed, it can have a serious impact on your hearing.


Symptoms of tympanitis

pain in one or both ears.

a feeling of fullness in the ear, due to fluid trapped behind a bulging eardrum.

a bloody, watery discharge from the affected ear (if the eardrum swells to such a degree that it bursts)

hearing loss, usually temporary.

possible fever.


